Sunday, June 9, 2013

Oh How Nifty - Look Who's 50!!

Happy Birthday, gorgeous! 

From this fresh-faced, very youthful kid in Nightmare on Elm Street: this mature, ridiculously beautiful and talented man:


As the Grateful Dead said: "What a long, strange trip it's been."

Congratulations, Johnny, on another trip around the sun. Here's to many more!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Happy 11th, Jack!

Today, Jack Depp is 11 years old!

Happy happy birthday Jack! Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

Sunday, January 13, 2013


These are the photos I've found, so far, that inspire me to do more to take care of my health and to get in better shape. Look, if Johnny can look this good at nearly 50 years old, then I have no excuse at only 43. Yes, it is true I am a type 2 diabetic, and I have to watch what I put in my mouth and I do have to exercise and diabetes does NOT take a day off. I have to do this every day.

So far, I'm doing well; my sugar is under control and so much about my metabolism  has changed - my weight has come down (nearly 40 pounds at this point), my blood pressure has improved (not that it was high to begin with), my triglycerides & cholesterol have normalized, and things are going great.

I hope to keep this up. All I have to do is keep these images of Johnny in my mind and tell myself  "if he can, I can too!"

I find myself wondering what he'd make of that....

Johnny's Black Hat

Just for the record - it seems he's had this hat since at least April of 2012.

There are those out there who believe this hat, with its feather, was gifted to him by the Comanches when he was adopted into their tribe. This is not the case. This very photo was taken prior to that ceremony, and as we can see, he has the hat and the feather. 

Chances are it is simply a turkey feather; men's hats often have them attached to the hatband. 

He also wore this hat when he appeared on Jimmy Kimmel's show, which happened prior to the Comanche adoption. 

Just wanted to put that out there.